Tuesday night, Carol and I went out to Ristorante Romanza to carb up on pasta. On Wednesday afternoon, Marjorie, Jonathan and Josie drove in. I will try hard not to make this the Josie page, but it's next to impossible. She loves to interact now, mimics your screams, trills a long French rrrrrrrr.......... with her soft palate that pediatricians say is anatomically impossible, except in French bébés, sits up unassisted, throws, knocks things down, holds things with a vise-like grip, and is one of the most good-natured kids you could ever meet. Ah, but I understate, as always.
The Krepon-Naparstek family came in for the first seder this time, so, contrary to tradition, the first night was Mom's Seder. We sang the familiar song:
There's no
seder like Mom's seder
Like no seder
we know.
about it is appealing--
halakha will allow.
Don't you
know we get a happy feeling
When Abie's
stealing the matzah now.
There's no
people like Jew people;
They smile
when they are flogged.
Even when
they're fleeing from a big pogrum,
The Passover
melodies they will hum.
Let's remember
triumphs over all that scum;
Let's go
on with the seder!
We began with each person painting a plastic cup to represent the qualities of a particular person in the Passover story. This is known as cooperative learning, progressive education, multifaceted learning, or, in Hebrew, hilul hashem or avodah zarah.
& Aaron
& Tom-same DNA
Carol outlined the essentials of the seder:
are the Easter Eggs."
She allowed me to say Kiddush, and she dutifully washed my hands.
The turkey was and more moisssstttttt and delicious than ever.
The afikomen was stolen by Abie one last time, and a cornucopia of pharmaceutical toys--balls, popcorn, clocks, pens was bestowed upon the eager and grateful throng. We all sang the Passover songs lustily.
Lo Na-eh...Ki Lo Ya-eh
Easter Barbie sent her regrets. A final organ concert concluded the evening.