The ketubah

On the second day of June 2002, the twenty-second day of the Hebrew month Sivan 5762, in the City of New York, Andrew Morris Ingall and Neal David Hoffman confirm in the presence of witnesses a covenant of love between them and declare a partnership to establish a household among the people of Israel and among the larger community.

The agreement into which Andrew and Neal are entering is a holy covenant like the ancient covenants of the Jewish people, made in faithfulness and peace to stand forever.  It is a covenant of protection and hope like the covenant God swore to Noah and his descendants saying, "When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between Adonai and all living creatures on earth. That shall be the sign of the covenant that I have established between me and all living creatures." (Gen. 9:16-17).  It is a covenant of distinction, like the covenant Adonai made with Israel, saying "You shall be My people, and I shall be your God." (Jer. 30:22).  It is a covenant of devotion, joining hearts like the covenant David and Jonathan made, as it is said, "And Jonathans’ soul was bound up with the soul of David.  Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself." (1 Sam. 18:1-3).  It is a covenant of mutual loving kindness like the wedding covenant between God and Zion, as it is said, "I will espouse you forever. I will espouse you with righteousness and justice and lovingkindness and compassion. (Hos.2:21-22)  The following are the provisions of the covenant of love: Andrew and Neal declare that they have chosen each other as companions, as our rabbis teach, "get yourself a companion…to eat with, to drink with, to study with, to sleep with, to confide all one’s secrets, secrets of Torah and secrets of worldly things." (Avot D’Rav Natan 8).  Andrew and Neal declare that they are setting themselves apart for each other and will take no other lover.  Andrew and Neal hereby assume all the rights and obligations that apply to family embers: to attend, care and provide for one another.  Andrew and Neal commit themselves to a life of kindness and righteousness as a Jewish family and to work together toward the communal task of mending the world.  Andrew and Neal pledge that one will help the other at the time of dying by carrying out the last rational request of the dying partner, protecting him from indignity or abandonment and by tender, faithful presence with the beloved until the end, fulfilling what has been written, "Set me a seal upon your arm, for love is stronger than death." (Song of Song 8:6).  To this covenant we affix our signatures.
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Witnessed this day
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The second day of June 2002, the twenty-second day of the Hebrew month Sivan, 5762

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