Henry Carrey

Lyrics by Jacob Jacobs; Music by Sholem Secunda
Copyright 1936 by Ethnic Music Publishing Co., Inc.

Tell me why ... you are so dear to me ... a fire burns here, in my heart....I love you so ?
Tell me why ...I lie awake nights thinking of you ... my heart beats like a clock.... I love you so ?
One thing  is not clear to me. Why is it that when I stand next to you , my temperature begins to rise ?
Without you I am like a flower without sunshine. You refresh me like a waterfall.
Tell me why… I feel like talking this way...I feel a taste of Paradise? You bring me Paradise here in my world.

Zog far vos bist du mir azoy tayer? Zog far vos glit do in harts a fayer? Zog far vos hob ikh dikh azoy lib?  (Oy, lyube mayne, dushe mayne)
Zog far vos kler ikh oyf mayn geleger?  Zog far vos klapt mayn harts vi a zeyger? Zog far vos hob ikh dikh azoy lib?
Eyn zakh ken ikh nit farshteyn vayl s'iz mir nit azoy klor.Far vos ven ikh shtey lebn dir nemt shtaygn mayn temp'ratur?
Zog far vos fil ikh azoy tsu redn? Zog far vos fil ikh dem tam ganeydn? Brengst mir dem ganeydn oyf der velt.

Zog far vos bist du mir azoy tayer? Zog far vos glit do in harts a fayer?  Zog far vos hob ikh dikh azoy lib?  (Oy, lyube mayne, dushe mayne)
Zog far vos kler ikh oyf mayn geleger? Zog far vos klapt mayn harts vi a zeyger? Zog far vos hob ikh dikh azoy lib?
On dir bin ikh vi a blum iz on a zunenshtral.  Derkvikst mikh punkt vi a farshmakhtn kvikt a vaserfal.
Zog far vos fil ikh azoy tsu redn? Zog far vos fil ikh dem tam ganeydn?  Brengst mir dem ganeydn oyf der velt.

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