The procession began with Margot Leverett, strolling alone down the aisle, an ethereal, almost mournful doina emanating from her clarinet. Waiting in the foyer outside with Carol, I began to cry.
Next came the huppah, designed by Ellen Wertheim, with panels by friends and siblings, beautifully sewn together by Gilda. Here is what they write about it:
Next came the families, and finally Andy & Neal.
The ceremony was the traditional Jewish huppah and kiddushin, with amendations and alterations, such as substituting "re'im ahuvim" (a phrase from the traditional ceremony referring to the bridal couple as "beloved friends") for "hatan v'kallah" (bride and groom).
Andy and Neal circled each other,
exchanged rings, and declared their vows. Several friends offered blessings to mirror the sheva brachot (seven traditional wedding blessings). Roderick Young gave a personal and moving address to the bridal couple. They smashed the glass, hugged and kissed, v'hakol sharir v'kayam! (e tutto e fatto!...and all is as it should be and forever).