Last Spring, Carol was designated as the first occupant of the Dr. Bernard Heller Chair of Jewish Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Now it was time for her installation--no, that sounds like a washing machine--for her investiture--no, that sounds like a Pope--how be seated?
I drove in after work on Tuesday, and we met at Ouest, a new restaurant right around the corner, on Broadway and 84th. This place is a treasure, a snazzy new bistro with dark walnut, red leather, and lots of space between tables. Although the place is loud and bustling, with open kitchen in the middle (which is the way noise-deprived New Yorkers like it), each table or booth is completely separated from the next, and there is complete privacy. The food and the service are superb. We had a wonderful chopped endive salad with bleu cheese. The entrées are served in large schissels--an unusual thick piece of lightly smoked salmon that was then grilled to medium rare; and a rich preparation of braised short ribs with delicious wood mushrooms and fava beans. We shared a perfect side of sautéed spinach with garlic. Two nice glasses of Sancerre and Côtes-du Rhone. For dessert, a light pear crisp with homemade vanilla ice cream, with good coffee. All of this for under $100. Five Farklempt Stars.
Wednesday morning, we stopped at Lenny's for bagels and coffee, I dropped Carol at JTS, and drove down to visit Marjorie and Josie. I hadn't seen her in two weeks, and she has grown into a person with character. She looks at you and reacts, she smiles, and it's not gas.
At the end of the day, Marjorie dressed Josie for the event, and we drove up to JTS.
First, there were drinks in the Alperin lobby, along with some pretty
good hors d'oeuvres.
could write a book together and call it, "The Talmud & The Internet."
Next came dinner in the Mendelson Conference Center for a small group
of family and selected big shots. The Chancellor thanked the representatives
of the Heller Foundation and spoke well of Carol. I led the Benschen
and did it straight, much to Carol's relief.
and her chair..