AUGUST 23-35, 2002


Sunday morning, we woke up early to drive down to see Marjorie and Josie. Jonathan had gone to California the day before to do some business and to make his annual trek to Burning Man. We stopped at Russ and Daughters (Heaven on Earth) and got some Nova, some sturgeon, some whitefish-salmon salad, some bialys, and something new and delicious--stuffed trout. And we played with Josie. What can I say. Naches beyond everything else. Take a look:



She loves the Teletubbies on TV, as well as in toy form, and watches them, enchanted with amazing attention.


She still loves to read.

Josie & Zayde with Teletubbies..Reading with Zayde

And, kayn eyn hora, she can still eat.


I dropped Carol off in the afternoon at the hovel so that she could attend the wedding of one of her students, Rhonda Rosenheck, at JTS, and drove home with a carful of baby stuff, anticipating the arrival later in the week of Marjorie and Josie, who would be spending a few days with us in Providence and Newport. On the way home, I stopped at Pepe's, and since it was 4:00 PM, was able to get a table and order a small pizza--mushroom, spinach, onions, and mootz--and finish this page while the pizza cooked. It was the best.

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