Saturday morning we cabbed down to the West Village to the Liberal Minyan of CBST (Congregation Beth Simhat Torah), where Neal and Andy led the services. This is a progressive minyan that Neal describes as "gay junior congregation." It was a warm, inclusive, welcoming service. We were invited to open the ark. We saw many friends from the Brit Ahava: Daniel & Mark, Mia Rotstein, Liz and Lisa, Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, Ellen and Joanne, Henry Carrey. No photos allowed on Shabbat.
After services, we crossed town to join the Steuer-Ingalls for lunch at the Miracle Grille, a funky Mexican place nearby. Josie strolled around the restaurant, greeting the patrons and staff with a smile and a "Hi!" We spent the afternoon and evening with her, while Marjorie and Jonathan went out to a movie. She is such a joy to be with. One of her favorite activities is to take a book and go sit in "her place" by the sliding glass door to the garden, and read a book to herself.
She adores her Bubbe and goes to bed very easily with her nighttime rituals.