JANUARY 3-5, 2003

Josie and Polar Bear..Josie walking

Saturday morning we cabbed down to the West Village to the Liberal Minyan of CBST (Congregation Beth Simhat Torah), where Neal and Andy led the services. This is a progressive minyan that Neal describes as "gay junior congregation." It was a warm, inclusive, welcoming service. We were invited to open the ark. We saw many friends from the Brit Ahava: Daniel & Mark, Mia Rotstein, Liz and Lisa, Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, Ellen and Joanne, Henry Carrey. No photos allowed on Shabbat.

After services, we crossed town to join the Steuer-Ingalls for lunch at the Miracle Grille, a funky Mexican place nearby. Josie strolled around the restaurant, greeting the patrons and staff with a smile and a "Hi!" We spent the afternoon and evening with her, while Marjorie and Jonathan went out to a movie. She is such a joy to be with. One of her favorite activities is to take a book and go sit in "her place" by the sliding glass door to the garden, and read a book to herself.

Josie walking with book..Josie reading..Josie reading..Josie reading

She adores her Bubbe and goes to bed very easily with her nighttime rituals.

On to Sunday

Back to Friday
