At 10:18 AM, I finished my shitfit and Marjorie and Jonathan drove us to Bess's and went on to spend the day with friends in Coral Gables. We hung out at Bess's and went for a swim in the pool. Lolly and Herb dropped by to chat. Andy and Neal returned from the Keys with some lovely presents for us all. We had some drinks and snacks at Bess's and we went out with the kids to Sushi Blues Café on Hollywood Beach Boulevard. We had a huge boat of excellent sushi and sahimi, an excellent grilled seabass fusion dish, and a vegetarian sushi plate, all with Japanese beer, sake, and wine. The service was excellent. The place was crowded, and we were right next to the blues band, which consisted of the owner, who played sax and drums simultaneously, and a singer-guitarist. The noise level must have approached 98 dB, but rather than bothering Josie, it seemed to interest and engage her. The girl loves stimulation.

Carol & Josie..Josie, Carol, beer

Jonathan fond of Josie

We returned to the motel for a dessert of key lime pie that Neal and Andy brought up form the Keys.

On to Sunday

Back to Friday
